What to do in the event of an accident?
Stay calm and check that nobody is injured. If someone is injured, you will need to call the ambulance at 995 and police at 999 immediately. Subsequently follow these steps:
Accident Related Step 1. Obtain Information:
  • Write down the particulars of the parties involved, including name, NRIC/FIN number, phone number, address and insurance company.
  • Take photos and videos of the accident scene, surrounding areas, damaged property and damages of the vehicles involved with the license plate numbers.
  • Avoid discussing liability with others involved in the accident, or any unknown tow truck drivers, workshop personnel or lawyers.
  • Refer all communications unanswered from them to ECICS without delay.
Step 2. Towing service or advice required for the accident:
  • You may call our 24-hour helpline at +65 6206 5588 and press Option 9 or alternatively you may click HERE for our list of authorised workshops or workshops listed in your insurance document for assistance.
  • Do not accept any offer by roadside touts offering free tow-truck services, or referral to unauthorised workshops with free use of rental cars. This may compromise your claim or defence to a claim.
You are required to make a police report for the following situations before proceeding to the Approved Reporting Centres for your accident reporting:
  • Damage to Government vehicle or property:
  • Accident with a foreign registered vehicle:
  • A Hit and Run accident:
  • Vehicle is stolen or vandalised:
  • Vehicle caught fire:
  • Accident involving a Pedestrian, Cyclist or Personal Mobility Device (PMD) users:
  • Injuries involved (if any party involved in the accident was taken to hospital from the accident scene by an ambulance/ self-conveyed or if any party involved in the accident was injured and obtained outpatient medical leave for 3 days or more).
  • A Malaysian police report is mandatory if the accident happened in Malaysia.
Step 3. Accident Reporting:
  • To report the accident, bring along your accident vehicle (whether damaged or not) to one of our authorised workshops which also served as ECICS Approved Reporting Centre within 24 hours or by the next working day.
  • The driver must produce NRIC or other identification documents, driving licence and Certificate of Insurance.
  • If a vehicle is registered under a company, a company stamp is required. An Authorisation letter/ email from owner is required if driver is not the policyholder.
  • Submit your digital photographs and in-vehicle video footage to our approved reporting centre's representative.
Making a Windscreen claim Please repair your windscreen at an ECICS Authorised Workshop. Call the workshop of your choice and they will help you file your claim and advise you accordingly. Click HERE for a copy of the Windscreen claim form.

If the windscreen claim is of criminal or vandalism-related, a police report must be made. A copy of the police report must be submitted to your choice ECICS Authorised Workshop.

We are always up for a chat!

6206 5588

Mon to Fri (excluding PH) 08:30hrs - 18:00hrs


For email enquiries


10 Eunos Road 8

#09-04A Singapore Post Centre Singapore 408600
